A Tea Gift for Every Employee

As part of the Human Resources department in a company you have the unique job of ensuring that everyone else is doing their job well. You are responsible for employee wellbeing and the company morale. To ensure that the atmosphere at work is healthy and collaborative and that employees are performing to the best of […]

Read More Published On  August 19, 2019

Wedding Favours in Exotic Flavours

The wedding season is upon us and with it, all its attendant hoopla. If you have a wedding in the family this summer, you’ll have a million things to look into and a hundred decisions to make. For instance, what to give away as wedding favours. These gifts you send out with your wedding invitations […]

Read More Published On  April 18, 2019

Can A Hot Cup of Tea Cool You Down During Summer?

Want to beat the soaring temperatures this summer? Forget cold brewed coffees or a fruit juice, a cup of hot tea is just what you need to beat the heat without unwanted calories. The ritual of drinking a hot beverage on a warm summer day goes back centuries. In fact, offering a cup of hot […]

Read More Published On  April 11, 2019

Tea Is The Best Health Drink Ever. Here’s Why

Black, white, mint or tisane, no matter what kind of tea you prefer, they are packed with flavonoids and have health altering benefits. And that’s probably the reason why black tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. Everyone knows that drinking tea is good for health. But what makes […]

Read More Published On  April 6, 2019

A Tea-Inspired Valentine’s Dinner for Two

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and nothing shows love and affection like cooking a well-thought out meal for your loved ones. While a romantic dinner for two at a fancy restaurant is certainly nice, a homemade dinner, catered to the tastes of your loved one can really up the ante. Setting the Mood While […]

Read More Published On  February 13, 2019

The Story of Oolong Tea – A Tea Steeped in History and Tradition

Oolong tea is a Chinese tea that has cultural significance in China and several other parts of South East Asia. The word ‘oolong’ comes from ‘Oo’ (or wu) meaning black, and ‘long’ meaning dragon, which may refer to the long, dark and curled nature of oolong tea leaves. This poetic name provides a telling picture […]

Read More Published On  February 4, 2019

The Legacy of a Tea Set

There are few pieces of crockery that bring about as much sentimentalism as tea sets do. When you think of china being passed down over generations in a family, it is usually a tea set. One with flowery patterns that is beautiful in a quaint, old-fashioned way. Or maybe one that has a scene from […]

Read More Published On  January 22, 2019